The most beautiful planet of all...
Aren’t you happy you came?

Just exactly how have I anti-aged?

My girlfriend said to me over the weekend that I looked great.  She keeps telling me I don’t look my age and I keep telling her this is how 57 is supposed to look.  🙂  I told her that I didn’t use to look this good.  5 years ago, I looked a lot older.  And 5 years before that, older still!  I am grateful to be experiencing anti-aging!  I see it in the mirror and feel it in my body!

So she asked me exactly what differences did I experience.

Time to take the tipi down!
Time to take the tipi down!.

So I’ve been thinking about it.  10 years ago, I was heavier, my hair was pretty gray (and not so pretty, actually).  It was advanced gray.  My dad, who doesn’t have to be as polite as other people, would say to me, “Don’t you want to color your hair?”

Besides how my hair looked,   I used to have these dark circles under my eyes.  I was getting sick frequently with mono, bronchitus, colds and that had been going on for about 20 years prior.  I’d spent about 10 years with chronic fatigue.  So my energy felt like I was 90.  I was achy all over, and had problems with pain in my finger joints, even a trigger thumb.

And here’s the differences.  Since USANA nutritional supplements,

1. my energy is great,

2. my hair is the color it was when I was 20 (gray went away on its own over a 2 year period),

3. 10 lbs slimmer ( I have a waist like I’ve never had before! 🙂

4. dark circles under my eyes, gone!

5. my skin & hair have a healthy glow

6. joints & back no longer ache

Is this anti-aging?  Call it whatever you like, this is my experience.

Right now, it’s Columbus Day and that means time to take the tipi down!  Most summers I spend almost every weekend in my tipi on the beautiful land of Padmasambhava Buddhist Center

I drove up yesterday, admiring the intense fall colors and had the fun of antique shopping along the way.  Walton, NY is sprouting antique shops left & right!

I got most of the tipi packed up and put away in my car and drove home.  This is when I really appreciate my healthy joints and energy.  This kind of thing used to kill me in my “old” days.  Now, it’s just fun!  It was a refreshing break from the stress and intense emotions of recent weeks.

Happy fall!

“What am I supposed to do?”

Carina Ehlers from Sweden tweeted

  1. Last week I went to an osteopath with knowledge in CranioSacral therapy – He told me that he probably couldn’t help me.3:24 AM Oct 5th from web
  2. And pain in my neck from a nine year old whip lash injury on my right side. What am I supposed to do ~ have tried everything. What am I supposed to do?

Forget that osteopath, Carina!  Just because he didn’t know how to help you, doesn’t mean ALL cranio-sacral therapists can’t help you!

There are about one million things I can do, even if CranioSacral Therapy (CST) were not to work.  First, I’d want to go to a CS therapist who believed he COULD help me and give that a chance.  For a severe injury, that means minimum of 10 sessions, each session being at least 1 hour long.

There are lots of different osteopaths out there and some are excellent with manual therapy and some are not.  I don’t know which category that guy you went to is in.

Let’s say CST didn’t work for me.  Why doesn’t it work for me?  It works for lots of people with similar isssues.  So I would want to work on 2 fronts.

The body heals itself perfectly well if it has the proper nutritional support.  That is key.  That’s why my clients get better results if they go on an aggressive nutritional program along with the manual therapy.  I trust USANA because it worked for me and it has lots of 3rd party endorsements of its scientific basis and potency/purity guarantee.  I’ve seen my clients On it, do much better than my clients NOT on it.

Next, I want to explore the psycho-emotional reasons I might not be getting better.  So I seek out someone who does hypnosis, time line therapy, emotional freedom technique (EFT), Somato Emotional Release (SER–often done with EFT), Family Constellations or some mind-body therapy.  I do these with my clients and they find it helpful.

There is lots more.

Carina, have you tried all these yet?

Don’t give up hope!  There is an answer to all my challenges as long as I don’t give up!  Let me know what happens, Carina!

Well On The Way
The Natural Way To Well Being

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191 Main St., 2nd Floor, Ossining, New York 10562

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222 Westchester Ave Suite 103, White Plains, New York 10604