You know, I don’t exactly know how energy therapies work. All I know is, I’ve witnessed some amazing things. For instance, I work for Hospice. I work there in the capacity of a massage therapist and when people are dying, I go in on their request and make them more comfortable
with a massage. I use the more energetic therapies with them because the light touch is very soothing and seems to work better for them.
There was this one time when I went to see a woman about 80 years old who was dying of cancer. She lived in a very beautiful house in a lovely section of town, with a large yard with shade trees, garden, and a circular gravel
driveway coming up to the front porch.
I knocked on the front door and the woman’s daughter
opened it. I said, “I’m the massage therapist from
She said in a low voice, “Oh good. Please, mother will not
talk with the rabbi. Please convince her to see the rabbi.”
My mouth dropped open, about to reply that I couldn’t do
that, when she nodded at me NOT to say anything more.
Her mother was coming right behind her in the hallway.
We made the introductions as if nothing had happened.
The large sunny living room was to my right, with all the
traditional furniture, couch, stuffed chairs, end tables,
fireplace. Except there was a large king size bed in front of
the fireplace.
I thought that was so nice. They had moved her bed into
the center of things, rather than being out of the action in an
upstairs bedroom. Most of the time I see people
sequestered in an upstairs bedroom or, even worse, in a
basement room at their children’s house.
The living room was a beautiful room, with large French
doors opening onto the back patio and garden and front
windows to the front garden.
The woman, let’s call her Estelle, led me to a small den
room with a single bed in it. She lay down and I arranged a
chair at the head of the bed.
She said to me, “I don’t want to talk. I just want to relax.”
“That’s great,” I said.
I began a gentle massage of the neck, head, and face. I was
doing Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT). I often use this
therapy with hospice as it is so gentle. The lymph is our
body of fluid that moves toxins out of our cells.
I feel the lymph fluid moving under the skin and I gently
push it along. All lymph moves to the heart, so we start at
the heart and move back through the system. From the
heart to the neck to the head and face. From the heart to
the arms and the hand. From the heart to the chest,
abdomen and down the legs to the feet. And then back to
the heart.
This light massage along the lymph pathways allows the
lymph to carry about 100 times what it normally could
carry. It clears the system, detoxes the body, and leaves a
wonderful relaxation behind.
So I started at the heart, neck and face and as I worked I
thought about this rabbi thing. She won’t talk to the rabbi, she didn’t want to talk to me at that moment
and I expected that she wouldn’t talk to anyone about not talking to the rabbi.
I decided to do EFT as I did the LDT. EFT is Emotional
Freedom Technique. One says what one is upset about
while tapping on the energy pathways and the tapping
dispels the congested energy around that emotional upset. I
had heard that if I just visualized the tapping, without
actually doing it, it worked just as well as actually doing it.
I had never tried this before, but I figured I had nothing to
lose. It couldn’t make the situation any worse!
So, as I was doing LDT, I imagined I was doing EFT. I
imagined I was taping down the energy pathways and
saying for Estelle, “Even though I won’t speak to the rabbi, I
completely love and accept myself.”
I completed a round of that and just kept going. I just said
silently to myself whatever came into my head as I
imagined tapping the energy pathways. “Even
though I am afraid of dying, I completely love and accept
Even though I am angry about dying…Even though I hate
leaving my family…Even though I am scared to death… ”
On and on I went, meanwhile doing the LDT.
I remember, I was doing her right leg by then, I
thought, “It’s done. That’s enough.”
No sooner had I thought that then Estelle said to me,
“Alright, you convinced me, I’ll talk to the Rabbi!”
I felt goose bumps all over my body and I just about fell off
the bed. “But,” I said, “I didn’t say anything!”
“I know,” she said, “But you convinced me. I’ll talk to the
Then she said, “I used to think talking to the rabbi was a
sign of weakness. Now I know its a sign of strength.”
We both started to cry quietly.
Estelle talked to the Rabbi, and she talked to visiting
ministers, priests and social workers. I continued to come
every week to give her LDT in the den. I came about 5 pr 6
One day she was too weak to greet me at the
door. Her daughter showed me in. Estelle was in the big bed
in the living room. Her daughter got into the bed on her
left side and I got in on her right.
I gave her some LDT and imagined EFT. I left after about
an hour. It was unimaginably peaceful.
Estelle died a few hours later.