The most beautiful planet of all...
Aren’t you happy you came?


Jane And The Whales

Jane (name changed to protect confidentiality) is a young woman (early 30’s) who is in a coma with brain stem damage as a result of a car accident. Her mother has contacted me through the Upledger Institute and asked that I give her CST (CranioSacral Therapy) treatments in the hospital. The hospital is a 30-minute drive from the office but I don’t say no. My own daughter is almost the same age.

I am writing after the second visit. The first visit was about 2 weeks ago and 1-1/2 weeks after the accident. Jane had not opened her eyes as yet. She lay fairly motionless in bed. I worked with her for 2 hours.

I had just come 2 days before from a trip to the Dominican Republic. In the Dominican Republic, we took a boat 90 miles off shore to hundreds of miles of coral reef and we stayed there for 5 days. The coral reef is the playground of humpback whales. They come to the protected calm waters of the Silver Bank (the name of the coral reef) to have their babies and to mate.

Penelope Smith, an animal communicator and author of the book, Animal Talk, is leading our “Whale Adventure.” As we pile into the smaller outboard motor boats, and head off to meet with the whales, Penelope interprets for the whales. What I am hoping to learn on this trip is interspecies communication with the hope that it will help me communicate with my own species. What I learn on the trip is the power of intention.

For instance, I have come to this spot across the world at great effort and great expense. Yet I find when I get there that I respond with fear to the greatness of the whales. When everyone slides into the water to be with them, my thoughts are “What were you thinking? Are you crazy? This could be dangerous!” I hold back.

Back at the boat, I remember my intention in coming. It’s to have a close encounter with the whales, a communication. I say to myself, “I create my life. I create the exact nature of my whale encounter. I am always in the water first.” I envision myself in the water and a young whale approaches me and makes direct eye contact.

Then next day I am in the water first. A 40 foot mother whale and her 12 foot long, nearly one ton baby are about 20 feet below us. The baby approaches in the exact manner of my vision and stops in front of me. For a wonderful moment we make eye contact and rest in communication. I open my mind’s ear and receive the whales’ communication.

For years I have been studying the silent communication available with CranioSacral Therapy. Recently, I have been studying animal communication through Penelope Smith’s books and this whale adventure is taking me further into trusting the process. As I learn more, I find I am using these communication techniques to receive information from the silent intelligence of the body, the wisdom found in organs, cells, and tissues.

Jane’s dad and boyfriend were there with me as I worked. I found myself saying things with a confidence and a surety and I didn’t know how I knew them. I told them, “Jane wants me to tell you how very much she appreciates you being here. She hears everything you say, knows you are here and understands. She’s working very hard.” While I was talking, there was a very strong therapeutic pulse throughout her cranium.

I’ve just come from my second visit with Jane. She has improved quite a lot in 2 weeks. She’s opened her eyes from time to time and is responding to questions with hand movements.

The first 20 minutes I am doing diaphragm releases starting at the thorax and moving up. Then I am using a cranial vault hold, mainly with one hand on the occiput and the other on the frontal bone. It’s quiet for about 10 minutes and then the action begins. A successive cacophony of therapeutic pulses appearing, building in intensity, and disappearing first on one side of the occiput, then on the other, then frontal lobe, then simultaneously frontal and occiput, then the rhythm of the cerebrospinal fluid becomes strong, then quiet, then the therapeutic pulses begin again.

I notice the pulses seem to come sometimes in direct relation to conversation around Jane. Mark tells Jane, “Nancy is coming to visit on Sunday.” A therapeutic pulse like congo drums erupts throughout her cranium. My impression is Jane is very excited and happy to hear this news and I tell the family about the pulse and my impression.

In the last half hour of the two hour session, Jane begins to lift her head and hold it up, looking directly at the people around and sitting up. When the time was up, I walked out with Jane’s mother and her boyfriend. I said, “If you would like me to return to treat Jane, I will be honored to be a part of her treatment team.”

The mother said, “I think she likes it. I’ve never seen her move her head like that before.” And her boyfriend agreed, “I’ve never before seen her hold her head up like that, so straight, and sit up like that.”

Well On The Way
The Natural Way To Well Being

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191 Main St., 2nd Floor, Ossining, New York 10562

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222 Westchester Ave Suite 103, White Plains, New York 10604