WELL ON THE WAY® is a comprehensive treatment center based in Westchester County, New York, specializing in stress disorders (including post-traumatic stress disorder), brain and spinal cord injury/dysfunctions, and women’s and pediatric concerns. Every Well On The Way® therapist is a licensed massage therapist and is also extensively trained in one or more of the light touch manual therapies. This training allows each therapist entry into the deeper energetic and emotional layers of the disorder as well as the traditional applications of their licensed modality.
Well On The Way® is a body & mind approach to relieving your pain.
The articles in this section describe how Well On The Way® has employed particular therapies to relieve pain and promote health. The therapies we practice are CranioSacral Therapy, Lymph Drainage Therapy, Aston Therapeutic Massage, Swedish Massage, Visceral Manipulation, and Nutrional Consultation.