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The Secrets of Six-Figure Women: How To Overcome An Under-Earning Personality & Bank Account!

The only thing worse for your life than money problems are health problems, and the stress caused by money problems can certainly cause health problems, so maybe there isn’t anything worse…(except maybe run-on sentences lol!)

I’ve picked up this terrific book that was recommended at a recent health convention:  SECRETS OF SIX-FIGURE WOMEN:  SURPRISING STRATEGIES TO UP YOUR EARNINGS AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE by Barbara Stanny.

Dr. Christiane Northrup & me

The chapter that really grabbed me, like a pit bull to my ankles, (ouch!) was the chapter on under-earners. As she mentioned that we practice “reverse snobbery”, I got goose bumps.  I’ve talked with friends, especially my “pious” and poor friends.  Many seem to have a disdain for money, yet are often complaining that they don’t have any. That was me!

It reminds me of a question I heard, “How long would your girlfriend be around if you were always putting her down, didn’t value her?”   Not very long.

Line Dubois & me

Did I mention how proud under-earners can be?  We revel in our ability to make do with less.

This type of thinking is a major obstacle to Abundance or accumulating any kind of wealth.

And in Barbara Stanny’s book, many of the six-figure women were originally under-earners!  So, we are keeping good company!

It’s never too late to change!

The thing that changed us was an immediate challenge.  My challenge is to live my advancing years as a dream come true, rather than a nightmare!  I want my place in the sun and I want to be in a position to care for my family.  I want to be there for my parents as they age and I want it to be as pleasurable an experience as possible for all of us.

Donna Zucchi & me

The other part of this that is important is that we must rise to the occasion by stretching ourselves and doing what doesn’t seem natural or comfortable.  Up until now, there was no way I could see myself as an internet marketer, let alone becoming an expert and helping others!  Anything having to do with technology and computers seemed greek to me.

Internet marketing is still a big challenge on a daily basis for me.  It would be easy to walk away.  But I can also see it as the answer to my problems, so I step up to it just about every day, even weekends.

I’ve also had to rethink my image of myself and how friends might think less of me for entering this field.  OK, 2 minutes on that and then FULL SPEED AHEAD.

Cathy Ngo & me

How often did you hear yourself saying, “I stopped because it just didn’t feel right.”  The important part of this to remember is, if something makes me feel uncomfortable and doesn’t fee natural, that’s not a reason to stop.  In fact, it may mean I SHOULD go forward.

Becoming a new person is an uncomfortable process and by definition, is not going to feel “right” or natural.

A Melancholy Happiness: Happiness Homework #5

Ok the good thing that happened recently was I made it home safely. Hurricane Irene tore up & down the east coast and I arrived home last night to my home unscathed. I passed a number of roads that were closed, holes in bridges and trees down.

Little by little the news is coming to me of calamities which befell others, but not me. A friend of my sister’s outside of Albany stepped out to evacuate her house and was swept away and drowned. Extreme sports enthusiasts went white water rafting on my normally quiet swimming hole and had to be rescued after one died.

My home is pristine in its quietness this evening. The cicadas are in concert, punctuated by a vehicle cruising by in the distance from time to time, or the distant soothing clatter of the train passing. I almost hate to go to sleep. It’s so hypnotically wonderful, this nighttime moment.

The town lights glitter from the other side of the river like a string of beads tossed there. The reflected colors of my tifffany lamp look back at me from far away, reflected in the glass of the window.

There an African beaded necklace hangs on the wall, rich in patterned colors. There, the face of the Buddha. The plants are crowding out of the corner and threaten to take over this room. The dog sleeps on his bed. All is natural, peaceful and embracing.

My sincerest gratitude for all the perils that paraded by me, to one side and the other, and those that paraded around my family.

My condolences to those who were not so fortunate.

It’s a melancholy happiness which I experience with tonight’s happiness homework. I can learn that happiness may come in many shapes and sizes and feelings of intensity. I can learn to embrace them all.

the church bells ring.

thank you

Good night

Well, we did it!

The Benefit Party for my daughter, Catherine Galasso, came off without a hitch and a good time was had by all!  And we raised our goal of $2500 towards her matching grant of $10,000.  The day after the party, contributions continued and we were up to to $3000! 🙂

Catherine is receiving a $10000 matching grant from the San Francisco Foundation.  The grant, and it’s match, will provide $20000 towards Catherine’s new production, “Bring on the Lumiere!” which will premiere at the ODC Theater in San Francisco.  The theater is another sponsor of the production and Catherine has been artist in residence there since 2009.

I’m very excited for her.  It was a beautiful evening of dinner and entertainment.  The Lumiere Brothers, about whom the production is about, invented the first film camera.  Catherine showed some of their early films, beautiful vignettes of life in the early 1900’s.  She then showed clips from her earlier productions and talked about her work.  Cath is inspired by stories, biographies of eccentric personalities, which she embellishes artfully with dance, theater and film.  Check out her website:

I’ll keep you posted as the money is raised.  We’re half way there!

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The Dream Machine Revs UP

It’s night.  It’s quiet.  I’m in one of my favorite places.  The tipi.  I arrived on the land after dark and the sky was one of the most beautiful I’ve ever known.  I should have guessed it would be special.  I saw a rainbow on the way up.  And then a bear.

Home away from home–tipi in the Catskills.

What did I say?  A rainbow, a bear, and the night sky lighted by more stars than I’ve ever seen before all within the same few hours?

What kind of blessing is this?

I’m glad I thought to bring my winter jacket.  It was 90 degrees all week, but I just thought as I was leaving, “Bring the jacket.”  I have both a sweater and the jacket on and it’s quite comfortable.  I have a pile of blankets on top of 2 sleeping bags.  It’s chilly, which is why the night sky is so clear, exposing every star ever made.

I was just saying to my friends, “I want to go to Africa, to safari, and see the wild animals.”  Then a few minutes later, I’m in my car and a bear runs across the road in front of me.

How’s that for a quick response from the Universe?

I stopped the car and peered into the woods where the bear had gone.  He stood there and turned to look at me.  We studied each other.  I began to think maybe I’d better move along, in case he decided to come back.  But we just looked until he turned and began to step slowly deeper into the woods.  When I could no longer see him, I drove on.

The view looking up

11 years I’ve been coming here and I’ve never seen that bear before.  I’m taking it as a sign.  Things will be happening faster now.  The Dream Machine is picking up speed.  More about this later.  Good night.  I won’t be able to post this until tomorrow.  No internet in the tipi.

Trauma, Death, And A Summer Paint Job in December: A Year In Review

It’s a quiet morning caused by an unexpected snowstorm.  I’d like to be full throttle in renovating my home, but scheduled workers didn’t show.  It’s the perfect moment for the quiet introspection I’ve been dreaming of.

Max New Year;s Day last year.

Last December at this time, my dog, Max was in a doggie wheelchair and the vet told me he would never walk again.  The family holiday powwow was to schedule one sibling to be with Mom 24/7 because she had just completed her cancer surgery and needed round the clock assistance.  Mom and I were debating the value of life at 4 AM on a regular basis.

The surgery to remove the tumor from under her right cheekbone meant removing her right cheekbone, her right eye which had been invaded by cancer, and, well let me explain it this way. If you put your finger touching the middle of the roof of your mouth, everything to the right had to go.

Shortly after the surgery, they put in a very refined denture that mimicked the roof of mom’s mouth.  Without that, she couldn’t talk or eat.  She was trying to figure out the care of it, she was exhausted and beat up from the surgery.  The surgery impacted her hearing.  She was completely deaf without her hearing aide and the hearing aide was working inconsistently.  Her sight was much worse.  She had trouble breathing and frequent nightmares.

I spent nights with her at the hospital and she would wake from nightmares at 2 or 4 AM.  She would say how if she knew it was going to be this bad, she would rather die.  We would debate the merits of living and dying.  I would interject Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to release some of the emotion, much of it, fear.

Surgery can result in a form of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  The patient’s subconscious feels it is being attacked and doesn’t recognize this is a life-saving measure.  Mom’s nightmares were part of that syndrome.  Fortunately, I was able to get in there quickly with EFT.

When we got home, Mom slept for a while sitting up in a chair in the living room.  It was hard for her to breathe lying down.  By then we took turns staying with her.  During my turns, we often had those 4 AM discussions and EFT.

I briefly mentioned that my dog was in a wheelchair.  Just as my mom’s surgery was scheduled, my dog, Max, became paralyzed.  It was just before Thanksgiving.  He’s a little Bichon and the vet said a lumbar disc had dislocated.  The vet also said, after a couple weeks went by & Max didn’t show improvement, that he would never walk again.

I have to thank my good buddy, Steve Kowalczyk, for nursing Max.  I was pretty full time taking care of Mom.  So Max went to Steve’s house and got excellent nursing.  It was a lot to ask of anyone.  Max couldn’t get up at all on his back legs, so he had to be cleaned up several times a day and carried outside to relieve himself and held.

So in the back of my mind were life and death questions about Max as well.  I didn’t entertain them much, though.  Somehow I knew Max would be well and Mom would, too.

Maybe I felt that way because I was able to help them.  Mom would never take my USANA vitamins before.  But in her helpless state, I drowned her in them the best I could!  I ground them up and put them in her food, her drinks, her deserts.  I did the same for Max.

And I was able to do EFT, CranioSacral Therapy, Lymph Drainage Therapy, and Liss Stimulation, every skill I knew from my work I employed for both of them.

Around this time last year, we took Max to get his wheelchair.  As soon as he stood in it, he was so happy.  Since there was no weight on his back legs, he began moving them.  The woman at the custom wheelchair shop said that indicated that he would probably recover.

Max recovered and he’s still recovering.  At Thanksgiving, my daughter and I took a long hike in the woods.  I debated with myself whether to take him, as he hadn’t done any really long walks.  It was one of our favorite places we used to walk.  So I took him and he kept up and enjoyed it.

Our walk with Max, Nov 2009

Mom is back to her energetic self that our family really hadn’t seen in over 10 years.  She had gotten really overweight and was on medications for high blood pressure and cholesterol.  For about the last 6 years, she had lost her ability to walk any distance at all.  She had gone from a person who wore all her children out shopping, to someone who couldn’t make it across a parking lot.

After the surgery, she got her energy back better than ever.  She lost about 70 lbs and she did it healthy, not losing muscle.  She ran around taking everyone shopping and running the show this Christmas.  She’s still taking her vitamins on her own, just in case they have something to do with her anti-aging energy boost.

Mom clowning around in the kitchen Christmas day.
Max as Santa
Max as Santa 12/25/09

The only crazy thing was, well, actually there were 2 crazy things.  My ex-husband, the composer, Michael Galasso, died on September 9 and my brother, the cardiologist, Michael Pasquale, died September 17.

Mike Galasso had been struggling with his health for years and died of a heart atack while my daughter, Catherine was visiting him at his home in Paris. She had 5 weeks with him and he died the day before she was to fly back to NY.  They were very close and it’s been very tough for her.

She’s a choreographer and she’s been able to channel her grief in very interesting ways through performances she’s given in both NY and San Francisco.  It’s been both tough and inspiring watching her.

Out of the blue, while Mom was in recovery mode in the spring, my brother, Mike got diagnosed with cancer and died in September.  My brother, Tony, and I were together at Mom and Dad’s when Mike died and we gave them the news.  It could be the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

Summer paint job in the snow. It’s all done & ready to go!

So here I am.  The snow is on the ground and on the scaffolding that stands in front of my house.  I live and have an office in a 3 story brick & cast iron building that dates from 1876.  Painting the cast iron and pointing the bricks, sprucing up the rusting facade, was supposed to be a summer job.  The summer job turned into a winter job, the contractor just finished yesterday, after many delays.  The scaffolding is supposed to come down the first clear day we get in the new year.

I’m deep into interior renovations of my home & office.  It’s planned to be a winter job and be done by March, in time for Chinese New Year!  I’ll keep you posted.

Happy New Year!

Well On The Way
The Natural Way To Well Being

Ossining Office

191 Main St., 2nd Floor, Ossining, New York 10562

White Plains Office

222 Westchester Ave Suite 103, White Plains, New York 10604