The most beautiful planet of all...
Aren’t you happy you came?


Are you taking a daily multi-vitamin? How about minerals? Are they making a difference in the way you feel? Do you feel healthier & more energetic because you are taking them?

If not, is it because they are not what they say they are? Is it because you are paying for something you are not getting? In other words, are you being cheated?

Years ago, I was given the COMPARATIVE GUIDE TO NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS. In it, over 1500 nutritional products from the U.S. and Canada are compared to an ideal supplement, developed from the recommendations of seven recognized scientific authorities. The Final Product Scores allow us to see what we are really getting.

I was shocked to find that the majority of supplements are mediocre at best, if not downright diddley-squat.

For instance, how many of us take the Centrum products? Centrum Select ranked a measly 4.6%!! Out of 100! It’s best product only reached 7%!

Here’s a few more:Geritol Complete: 3.4%GNC Mega Men’s: 21.1%Herbalife Formula 2: 14.8%Nutrition Dynamics Multi-vitasorb: 0.7%One A Day Advanced Women’s Formula:1.9%!!!!!!!One A Day Advanced Men’s Formula: 4.6%!!!!!!!Rite Aid Whole Source Complete Formula for Women: 4.8%Walgreens Ultra Choice Premium Men: 21.1%Walgreens Ultra Choice Premium Women: 22.1%

Any school teachers in the house? What’s a passing grade?Most of us know the importance of supplements. We’ve already heard that our foods and soil are deficient in nutrients so we need to take vitamins and minerals in the form of supplements to maintain a healthy body. We may have seen or heard about the overwhelming amount of studies that support vitamins and minerals as preventatives of many diseases and conditions.

So we take our vitamins and guess what?WE ARE STILL SICK AND TIRED. We don’t feel better and NOW I KNOW WHY. It’s because the vitamins don’t have enough nutrients in them.

If you want to know how YOUR multi-vitamin is ranked, you can email me at Put ARE MY VITAMINS JUNK? as the subject. I’ll look up your vitamin and get back to you. Or, better yet, get your own copy of COMPARATIVE GUIDE TO NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS, by Lyle MacWilliam. If you’re anything like me, you’ll want to peruse it again and again. It’s a wealth of information.

Do you want to know which company came out on top? One I had never heard of?USANA Health Sciences with 96%. Only 4 companies reached 900r higher. The study was independently conducted and was not commissioned by USANA or any of these other top rated companies.

Secret to Effective DETOX! Because you asked for it!

Everywhere I turn, people are either asking me about how to effectively detox or telling me how they are doing it. When they tell me the method they are using, they are often asking if I think this is an effective method. Most of the time, I really don’t know for sure. One measure of effectiveness is if you are feeling better. But many toxins don’t manifest symptoms early on, so it’s hard to go by that. There are very few products that have objective evidence of effectiveness.

Let’s face it, toxins invade our bodies from every direction!! But no need to panic. There are effective ways out there to handle it.

I was really happy to discover this brief video that describes a very simple & easy way to turn on the natural detox process in our bodies. I wanted to share it with you right away because it gives us reliable proof that its actually working! Proven effectiveness is a rarity in many detox products on the market. Check this video out and let’s talk!

Feel free to give me a call at 914 762 4693.

This is my swimming hole pictured here. This is the Croton River, which flows down from the Croton Reservoir and ends in the Hudson River. It’s an interesting river because, like the Hudson, it flows in 2 directions. The Hudson flows from the Adirondack Mountains and ends up in NY Harbor. But at high tide, the Hudson flows in reverse, with salt water coming up the river.

Croton River & my dog, Max

At high tide, the little Croton River also flows in reverse and heads back in the direction of the reservoir until it reaches the small dams in place to provide swimming lakes.

Every moment of every day there is a different delight to enjoy at my swimming hole. It changes depth and light and character with the changing tides, weather, and cloud formations.

This summer there were 2 incidents when anxiety crept into my idyllic get-away. There was the sewage spill at Yonkers and a second spill at Ossining. The Hudson Riverkeeper keeps us aware of “bad” effluent days, even when there is no disastrous spill. The truth is our sewage infrastructure, even on good days, is over-taxed and needs to be brought up to speed with the population growth.

Be sure to check out the Riverkeeper website at to see how you can contribute to the solution! I was concerned about swimming with all these sewage spills. My favorite spot was never affected, though many beaches were closed. Even so, I wonder what’s getting into me when I swim. As the water flows up to my swimming hole from the Hudson with the high tide, it passes through a natural filtration system of reeds and swamp. When it comes from the other direction, it flows from the Croton Reservoir, which is as pure as it can get.

“As pure as it can get” How pure is that? Recently I got a new water purifier from my friend. I can’t tell you a lot about it, except that I go by the wisdom of my friends on this one. The purifier I got actually has 3 separate filters. One takes out mercury, flouride and chlorine as well as other heavy metals. One aerates it. One takes out drugs!

This one surprised me. Drugs! Of course, what they say is true. We are all one. So if one is taking anti-depressants, anti-biotics, statins, WHATEVER!! Then we all are taking it, because, eventually, it gets in the water!

So this is how I am taking steps to make my home, my body healthy. I’m purifying my water and I’m following the advice of that video, building up my body to detox naturally on its own!

My body will be SUPER capable of de-toxing poisons that never before existed for a body to deal with. Will yours? I’m happy to help you get your body turned into an effective detox machine, too. Just contact me & we’ll get you going.

with love,

40th High SchooL ReUnion: A Review of My Life As A House

It all started on Friday, November 12, 2010, with the Millburn High School Class of 1970 40th reunion, class of 1970 from Millburn, New Jersey.  We were a wild bunch.  It was the end of the love decade, the 60’s, and we didn’t know the trouble we were about to get into in the 70’s.

L to R Lee Farber, Elizabeth Pasquale, George Friedman, Barbara Dalton

We were a high school half in the old way of collegiate, ivy league prep and sports, and half in a new way–drugs, music,  experimentation, anti-war demonstrations– left-over hippies looking for a new decade’s identity.

I graduated (barely, having majored in skipping classes, please don’t tell my parents!) and wondered how my sensitive friends, who seemed so ill-fitted for society, would fare and they may have wondered the same about me.  I loved them and didn’t want them to be crushed.  We all seemed so fragile to be taking on the world. (more…)

Reverse the Irreversable? Anti-aging? You must be dreaming!

Some time ago a 14 year old girl came into my therapy office, brought in by her family which included Mom and sisters.  Let’s call the girl Sarah.

Sarah could barely make it up my 3 flights of stairs.  She walked with difficulty with a cane.  Sarah had had leukemia, which was in remission.  But cancer treatments which had saved her life had also disabled her.  

According to her doctors, she had the bone density of a 90 year old–severe osteoporosis.  On good days she could walk with a cane.  Bad days meant a wheelchair.  The doctors told her that her condition was irreversible and that it would only get worse with time.

Well On The Way
The Natural Way To Well Being

Ossining Office

191 Main St., 2nd Floor, Ossining, New York 10562

White Plains Office

222 Westchester Ave Suite 103, White Plains, New York 10604